A green background with yellow and orange accents.


Harmony Empowerment Awareness Love Truth Happiness

Light Particle Healing

Robert J Salvit - Master Healer

Click below for our intro video

A woman is getting her head shaved by an esthetician.

Experience an Energetic Healing Session


Robert's passion is helping people to make a shift in their lives and create a new reality. One of health, well-being and fulfillment. His method of healing gives his clients practical, psychological and spiritual guidance in overcoming blindspots, blockages and impasses.

Meet Robert Salvit

     Robert's method of healing empowers the client to take control of their healing journey and create a true motivation to return to health.  His program reveals what a person's soul truly desires.  He provides an easy to understand roadmap, through the six aspects of H.E.A.L.T.H.,via the "Achieving Freedom Program".  A program that changes and can even save, lives.

How to heal yourselfin 3 easy steps

Healing is a journey of self-discovery and transformation that brings awareness and changes negative patterns, beliefs, emotions and physical experiences that steal our life energy.

Let it go


Create a new reality


Achieve a deeper level of understanding of the essence of your soul!

Learn “how” to remove the curtains, the layers and the klippot (the darkness that has accumulated from previous lives and also from our present life)!

Learn to embrace your current challenges (whether mental, emotional, spiritual or physical)  and to help refocus and redirect your awareness and conscious intention to create new patterns that will assist your soul on being faithful to your true essence!

Finally, recognize that your needs, your challenges and the environment you created for yourself are all here for your benefit, growth, transformation and evolution and will create a new and better you!

Experience ten transformative sessions that will clear old patterns, blockages, and traumas. Heal and transform.

Create a new you!

A green and white hand with hebrew writing on it.

The Hamsa Hand

Robert belongs to the Jewish priestly families that trace their paternal line back to Aaron, the first high priest of Israel. The letters on the hand are recited only by high priests such as Robert to ignite the power of healing on others. The Hebrew term for the Priestly Blessing is Birkat Kohanim, the “lifting of the hands,” because of the priests’ uplifted hands, through which the divine blessings flow.

Are you looking for temporary pain relief or a complete healing?

Typical Results

  • Reduced Anxiety

  • Reduced Depression

  • Deeper Sleep

  • Improved Digestion

  • Enhanced Well-Being

  • Stronger Self-Esteem

  • Accelerated Post-op Recovery

  • Reduced Side Effects from Rx Meds, Chemo and Harmful Drugs

  • Heightened Self Awareness and Intuition

  • Healthier Relationships

  • Clear and balance your aura and chakra

  • Remove negative energy and entities

  • Past live healings

  • Contacting departed souls

  • Clearing homes and offices of negative energy

  • Clearing physical, emtional and spiritual blockages

  • Multi dimensional healing

Reprogram your genetic structure through wholistic healing technologies.

"90% of all genes are engaged in cooperation with signals from the environment." Dawson Church, PHD.

Wholistic Healing Technologies

With over 30 years of learning and experience, Robert utilizes a series of technologies and modalities throughout his sessions including:

"Consciousness is the cause behind all physical manifestations. Anything physical is merely the effect.
Everything begins with consciousness." HaRav Berg.

Kabbalistic Healing

Healing based upon the ancient mystical wisdom of the tree of life. a heart centered healing based on the foundation that healing, spirituality, and the light are alike.

The 72 Names of God

A card with the words
Take a moment to breath and meditate on these amazing images that flash the 72 Names of God as given to us by the mystical Zohar, as you look at these names, set an intention for a healing and these names will help manifest the results.


ThetaHealing is a meditative healing process that accesses the Theta brainwave. By accessing the theta state it allows the practitioner and client to reach a slower and higher vibrational state where sense of perception is heightened and the practitioner can then scan the client for any physical, emotional or spiritual imbalances that need to be addressed. In a ThetaHealing session we will bring awareness to the root belief pattern that is the cause of any disharmony in our lives. We will then work on creating and downloading a new belief system. This healing technique can bring about instantaneous change in your life.

Reiki Energy Healing

A system of activating and balancing the life force energy. Achieved by laying on of hands on a fully clothed body, energizing organs, glands, and chakras.

Distant Healing

One of the basic teachings of healing is that we are more than our physical bodies. We also have an energy body made up of our aura (energy fields), the chakras (energy centers) and the meridians (energy pathways.) Like our physical body that takes in food to nourish it and give it energy, our energy body does the same. The energy fields take energy in, the chakras break it down, and the meridians distribute it throughout the body. Now that we are more than our physical bodies, Healing sessions can be performed regardless of distance.

Polarity Therapy

Uses both physical  touch and pressure to balance energy in the body. Conceiving energy as a pulse that flows outward from the core of the body and its return to the core.

Barbara Brennan Healing

Energy based therapy of non invasive hands on techniques that clear, energize, and balance the human energy field using guides and angels.

Core Energetic Therapy

The integration of the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual by transforming overlaying defensive structure through the creation of new experiences.

Jin Shin Jyutsu

Harmonizing the life force energy in the body. Employs 26 “safety energy locks” along energy pathways that feed life into our bodies.

Cranial Sacral

A hands on technique that manipulating the bones of the skull stimulating the cerebrospinal fluid allowing the body and immune system to heal and maintain itself.


The use of concentrated oils from plants and herbs inhaled or applied to the skin for stress reduction, rejuvenation, and detoxification.

Spiritual Counseling

Focus is to discover each persons unique life task. Incorporates techniques from psycho therapy, intuitive insight, and knowledge of the universal laws.


"True health is the harmony of life within us consisting of peace of mind, happiness and well-being. It is not just physical fitness, rather it is the soul finding expression through the mind and body."
Dr. Randolph Stone

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  • Robert is an amazing person & incredibly gifted human being. As a medical doctor myself, I am always looking for healing modalities that will enable my patients to heal more deeply & completely. Robert has devoted his life to mastering a number of methods that do precisely that! He is able to take patients to the root cause of their symptoms in the very first session. He then uses the combination of healing tools he has accumulated over a lifetime to either reverse the symptoms or help the patient understand the role the symptoms are serving in the patient's life. I have been in therapy for over a decade and feel that Robert's work has been able to take me deeper than my therapy ever was, and so quickly! Robert is truly a gift and I cannot recommend him highly enough!
    Dr. Anna
  • I met Robert a decade ago. He always impressed me with his knowledge in healing practices. His knowledge in Kabbalah, only enhanced hi's healing capabilities to perform with his hands and mind. Robert worked with me personally for approximately eight months to achieve considerable positive result in my emotional and physical health. I certainly would recommend Robert Salvit to my friends and family.
  • Simply unbelievable! I had contacted Robert for help after my listing had been sitting on the market for several months with no offers and nearly no showings. Robert came over and did his magic and literally within the first week, I not only had several requests for viewings but have been receiving multiple offers. I had secured a tenant after 2 weeks only to be continuously contacted for more showings and have received 2 higher offers since. I highly recommend Robert’s service. This is a small investment for a large payout!
  • If you are a busy professional like me , then you will benefit greatly from the light flow healing sessions. I have always been an energetic person, but due to work related stress and life's unpredictable events, I also felt ongoing physical pain in in my lower back, neck, and shoulder areas. The light flow healing sessions have met my expectations and most importantly have taught me to manage emotions, which are trapped energy in the body. The treatments, done in a safe and comfortable environment, are simply powerful and will help anyone to balance mind, body and emotions, no matter what you do in life. I have recommended the light flow healing sessions to my friends and will continue to do so.
  • Robert is one of the kindest, warmest and most compassionate individuals I have ever met. The time I spent with Robert enabled me to become more self-aware and identify certain patterns that were holding me back in my personal and professional life. His insight and “tough love” helped me believe in myself more and become stronger when facing challenges. I would recommend his services to anyone looking for increased happiness, clarity or a sense of peace."
    Hannah (Lawyer)
  • Having multiple sessions with Robert Salvit, I would recommend his healing sessions to anyone at any stage of their life. Robert presents a non threatening environment and safe space to enter into and has an approachable warm demeanor. In addition, he communicates clearly and thoughtfully. Personally, I have benefitted from the sessions in many ways, specifically in the areas of my career, personal and family relationships, and my self-worth & value. Robert's unique healing technique has led to positive advancement in these key areas. His ability to bring out deep feelings and thought processes that I wasotherwise blind to or not acknowledging has been pivotal for me. With his help I took upon the task of visiting my father that I have not been in communication with for over 10 years, which helped to heal an emotional blockage with those around me and has created a space for love in my life. What's more, his support, guidance, and healing work has assisted me in making major life choices, as well as clearing out negative thought processes and blockages. I would recommend him with great confidence.
  • Dear Robert, I wish to thank you for your assistance with the apartment on cleansing. After your visit, the apartment felt lighter and brighter, a noticeable difference. Most astounding, however, is that my cell phone, which previously did not work in the apartment, now works perfectly fine. I also wanted to let you know that the first person to visit the apartment after your visit signed a lease! This is after 8 months of not being able to sell or rent it. I would wholeheartedly recommend you to others without hesitation. I'm so grateful to you.
  • Robert Yehosef Salvit is the Kabbalistic Reiki healer that no one knows about. He shifts your energy from the root, meaning if you've had a blockages for lifetimes and can't remove it, he does. A lot of people go to healers for a quick fix, but Robert Yehosef does more than that. Being in a wheelchair, I went to him to get stronger. He helped my muscles loosen yes. But he also kept telling me to stand up for myself and build my confidence. Soon, I was not letting people humiliate me anymore. And I felt better about myself. I didn't understand it at the time, but in order to get truly stronger and truly whole, I must first BELIEVE IN MYSELF and MY ABILITIES. No other healer ever told me that.
  • Robert is a great listener, and with his questions he zeroes in on key moments from the past. He understands fear, especially the fear of being alone, and all its possible manifestations like anger, desperation, isolation, low self-esteem, and self-sabotage. I trust him to be non-judgmental, to empathize but not be freaked out by anything he hears. He listens to what you feel is important, and then he incorporates that into the meditations and the physical healing. I believe that we’re in a process of turning the fear into joy and freedom. Seeing him has helped me with my relationship, my job, my family, my spirituality, and it’s allowed me to relax and enjoy life more, to appreciate.
  • Robert Salvit helped me to identify my original energy imprint in this life that was actually harming me. Through the work with him, I was able to proactively discard the harmful energy imprint and replace it with an empowering energy imprint. A destructive and unhealthy way of being and engaging with the world was replaced with an amazing healthy sense of self and purpose. The sessions with Robert were beyond my expectations or even imagination. I highly recommend Robert Salvit as a true healer who draws upon many modalities and works hard to figure out why you are sitting there across from him, and then guides you in your healing process. For those who are serious about getting to the heart of the matter and healing it, Robert is the best!
  • I met Robert a decade ago. He always impressed me with his knowledge in healing practices. His knowledge in Kabbalah, only enhanced hi's healing capabilities to perform with his hands and mind. Robert worked with me personally for approximately eight months to achieve considerable positive result in my emotional and physical health. I certainly would recommend Robert Salvit to my friends and family.
  • I was introduced to Light Flow Healing Sessions after I experienced a traumatic event in my life. . .I was suffering from depression, loneliness and each day was filled with sadness. . . He helped me find gratitude in having a wonderful marriage something many do not experience. Our time together is evolving as I am.
  • I stated going to see Robert last Summer when I was going through a terrible time at work. Something I’d been working for years on was collapsing due to someone I’d hired and I was losing a large amount of money. A good friend suggested I see Robert. I was really in a bad way and he gave me an emergency appointment the next day even though it was a Sunday. He immediately calmed me down and even though my type of business is not his, he listened very carefully and I felt he fully understood what I was going through. He made great practical suggestions but also began healing me on a much deeper level. What seemed like a disaster managed to turn around and a lot was saved with my work situation. I honestly don’t think that would have happened if it weren’t for Robert. I was only supposed to go for 10 sessions but I’ve decided to carry on indefinitely as I feel so good after my sessions. It’s now March. I’ve had many different therapists but sometimes Robert hits on things that no one else has ever identified. Even things that might seem irrelevant or small but he knows there’s something there. When this happens it feels like both a relief and a release. Robert gives me confidence that all of my goals are achievable and stops my negative thought patterns in their tracks. One of the wonderful things about him is that he has so many strings to his bow. Reiki, Theta, Kabbalah, so that whatever your needs are in that moment, he can deal with. I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending Robert. I can’t wait to carry on seeing the results of his healing in my life.
    Karen Bishko
  • I started seeing Robert about two years ago on the advice of my spouse and closest friends. Primarily I came to see him to address personal anger and frustration management which affected my closest personal relationships. As with so many issues that become evident in our lives, this was just a symptom. Robert, in the most methodical manner took a look at me and my life through a series of one on one conversations. He took what we found and my most urgent personal concerns to heart and combined with reiki, energy work and other practical methods addressed them one by one. In addition to remarkable personal progress, this work has had a measurable effect on my physical wellbeing. At 24 years old I was diagnosed with HIV, likely from an infection in late 2000. My viral load was nearly 100,000 but my CD4 ( the measure of an immune system ) was normal at about 850 ( white blood cells per ML . At that time life expectancy was about 15 to 20 years at most. Over the span of about 10 years my numbers fluctuated as is often the case, with my viral load reaching 500,000 at one point. All the while my immune system became weaker and in 2010 my CD4 measured around 220, certainly not the worst count an HIV + individual ever had, but just above a free fall situation. My Dr’s made it clear that I could no longer delay anti-retroviral treatment. What does this have to do with Robert? Well, after 4 years on treatment my viral load had diminished to undetectable, but my immune system had not restored itself with my CD4 measuring around 425 at best. After beginning my sessions with Robert, my health improved. I didn’t so much as have the flu, which is most welcome in the North East. However more notable was my CD4 count which has steadily increased over the period and now measures approximately 625. To make this clear that is an almost 200% increase from it’s lowest point and approximately a 50% increase from when we started working on “anger management”. This count is roughly 25% below what is considered a fully functioning immune system, and we’re not done yet.
  • Robert Salvit helped me to identify my original energy imprint in this life that was actually harming me. Through the work with him, I was able to proactively discard the harmful energy imprint and replace it with an empowering energy imprint. A destructive and unhealthy way of being and engaging with the world was replaced with an amazing healthy sense of self and purpose.
  • The sessions with Robert were beyond my expectations or even imagination. I highly recommend Robert Salvit as a true healer who draws upon many modalities and works hard to figure out why you are sitting there across from him, and then guides you in your healing process. For those who are serious about getting to the heart of the matter and healing it, Robert is the best!”
  • Having multiple sessions with Robert Salvit, I would recommend his healing sessions to anyone at any stage of their life. Robert presents a non threatening environment and safe space to enter into and has an approachable warm demeanor. In addition, he communicates clearly and thoughtfully. Personally, I have benefitted from the sessions in many ways, specifically in the areas of my career, personal and family relationships, and my self-worth & value. Robert's unique healing technique has led to positive advancement in these key areas. His ability to bring out deep feelings and thought processes that I was otherwise blind to or not acknowledging has been pivotal for me. With his help I took upon the task of visiting my father that I have not been in communication with for over 10 years, which helped to heal an emotional blockage with those around me and has created a space for love in my life. What's more, his support, guidance, and healing work has assisted me in making major life choices, as well as clearing out negative thought processes and blockages. I would recommend him with great confidence.
  • Having worked with Robert Salvit for nearly 2 years, I cannot express enough in words the profound impact that he has had on my life. He is a true healer in all senses of the word. We first met when I was frustrated with traditional Doctors’ inability to identify the reason for an ailment of mine. He put his hands over my ears, and I was as good as new the next day. In the months to follow, we began on a process of emotional and mental healing- aimed specifically in the area of relationships. I truly feel that he helped me understand my emotional patterns/reactions and was able to give me incredible inner strength and confidence to conquer certain fears and anxieties that truly blocked me. I cannot recommend him more highly- in fact, I have had countless friends and relatives see him; they could not get over how, in one session, years of either physical, emotional, or mental issues were healed. More importantly, they had been coming from a similar place of frustration from other traditional practitioners inability to identify the source and propose appropriate treatment, other than medication. As a person and practitioner, Robert is a warm, kind, nurturing, supportive healer, with just the perfect amount of toughness necessary to push anyone to transform. I feel blessed that I have found him and that he is in my life- I would not be where I am today without his guidance and healing touch.
    Sara Rotter
  • I was introduced to Light Flow Healing Sessions after I experienced a traumatic event in my life. My husband, best friend and partner suffered a massive stroke which hit his frontal lobe, the part of the brain that controls thinking and reasoning. He survived the stroke, but he required full time care in a nursing home I was his caretaker for 4 years until he passed away. I was suffering from depression, loneliness and each day was filled with sadness. When we met, Robert was especially kind to me. Slowly, he helped me re-enter the world. We talked about the universe and what was put in my path. He helped me find gratitude in having a wonderful marriage something many do not experience. Our time together is evolving as I am. He has helped me shift my thinking to see the light. I have seen other therapists and psychiatrists. No one has understood me and helped me as Robert has. He is a gift in my life and I am grateful.
  • I participated in the Achieving Freedom program because I had cancer and needed to deal not only with my physical being, but with my emotional well-being as well. My expectations with the program were more than met. The program resulted in me being able to get physical treatment while also treating my emotional state. I felt very comfortable telling Robert things that I have never even told a therapist. He helped me let go of deep emotional wounds caused by anger and fear. My experience working with him, and I am still working with him, has been extremely helpful and pleasurable. I have already recommended, and will definitely continue to recommend, the program to others, particularly those going through something emotionally or physically.
    Barbara S.
  • I feel good! I hadn't been sleeping great and was waking up tired and Monday night I had a great nights sleep and felt really fresh the next morning! Thank you it's definitely helped, hope you're keeping well
    Helen M.
  • Hi Robert, just wanted to say thank you for the session yesterday. I definitely feel some energy shifts. I was so zonked afterwards and even when transferring at grand central I felt like I was walking in slow motion oblivious to all the chaos, and I slept SO deeply! Thanks again and hope you have a good weekend.
    Jessica K