Clearing and Saging Homes and Businesses
If you are experiencing negatIve energies or mysterious happenings in your home and businesses you may have collected negative energies and entities that need to be cleared.
Robert has created a special protocol that clears and cleanses space.
Pricing is calculated by 25 cents per square foot, minimum charge is $500.
Call (347) 841-6013 for more details.
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Initial Healing Consultation & Evaluation with Healing Session 1 H 45 Min
$425.00What to expect from this session?
- Begin an evaluation to come to a clear and concise understanding of the roots of your challenges and concerns.
- Uncover the physical, emotional and spiritual blockages.
- Discover old patterns and believe systems that keep you from manifesting your true desires.
- Create a strategy to manifest health and wellness, by resolving the challenges in your life.
- Chakra Evaluation before and after the healing session.
- Release physical stress points to the body, which are attached to the disease, fear and emotions.
- Dissipate emotional and mental issues through balancing superficial and deep pulsations.
- Open up the energetic channels to manifest healing, harmony and balance at a soul level.
- Feel relaxed, balanced, more conscious, have more clarity, grounded and able to take action.
The manifestation of “dis-ease” – whether it is knee pain, back problems, cancer, emotional depression, heart “dis-ease”, digestive disorders, fatigue etc. – is directly connected to our actions and reactions to our life experiences and the choices we make “in the now”. Our future is created by our now. Healing requires the willingness of the client to participate in the healing process and their having the desire to return to health. The Healing Program empowers and supports the individual in making new choices from the field of unlimited possibilities. This creates a new plan with new results in the N.O.W (New Opportunities Waiting). Robert facilitates this process of change by supporting the client physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Robert will also channel and answer questions to clear doubts and uncertainties.
Location: Midtown Manhattan 192 Lexington Ave (32nd st) 2nd floor, New York, NY 10016
Email: [email protected]
We will contact you within 24 hours with available times for your session. -
Long Distance Skype/Phone Session – 60 Min
$220.00In our world of quantum physics, we understand that energy and intention transceds time and space. Consequently, it is possible to have an effective healing session without the person being present. These sessions are held via skype or phone.
Soulgenics Healing Body, Mind and Spirit- 60min
$220.00”Soulgenics healing Session” 75 Minutes
In this session Robert will intuitively create a synergetic session of bodywork and metaphysical therapy to achieve a soul level healing. Robert’s emphatic, clairvoyant, and high sense perception allows him to intuitively channel information, healing and guidance. Robert will answer questions guide, teach, and coach.
Gateways to health and healing.
Healing body mind and spirit.Spiritual health and wellness has become increasingly recognized as a key component to our health and well being. Our spiritual fitness is just as essential for our well-being as our mental fitness and physical fitness. We are more than just our physical bodies, our emotions and our thoughts.
Soulgenics is a system of work that integrates and cultivates all the dimensions of ourselves that we take for granted. When you’re spiritually fit, you’re more aligned with your mission, you’re tapped into intuition, you feel a greater sense of support and get aligned to your soul purpose. Being spiritually fit influences the body and mind in important ways that will help you Heal Yourself, Attract Synchronicities And Eliminate Negativity.
Robert has created new master protocols that create a powerful framework for a body mind and spirit Well being. These new protocols combine many forms of healing geared to Get You Spiritually Fit And Aligned With Your Spirit’s Highest Purpose.