If you have purchased a session online or received a gift certificate you may book it here. We will contact you to confirm availability.
If you are experiencing negatIve energies or mysterious happenings in your home and businesses you may have collected negative energies and entities that need to be cleared.
Robert has created a special protocol that clears and cleanses space.
Pricing is calculated by 25 cents per square foot, minimum charge is $500.
Call (347) 841-6013 for more details.
Robert will work remotely to help in any situation that needs immediate attention. Price will range from 490 TO $151. Robert will send healing and clearing energy meditatively for such things as: colds, aches and pains, operations, appointments, meeting, emergency situations etc.
Any questions please contact: (347) 841-6013 or Email [email protected]
In our world of quantum physics, we understand that energy and intention transceds time and space. Consequently, it is possible to have an effective healing session without the person being present. These sessions are held via skype or phone.